A downloadable tool

This is a basic editor plugin for the Godot engine to simplify building and uploading projects to Itch.

Now that this plugin is on the asset library I am only going to have the plugin there. You can download it here: https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/1103

You can grab the source code and report bugs at: https://github.com/uberfig/godot-build-and-deploy-plugin


download and install from the Godot asset library

you will need butler installed (and added to path if on windows)

this plugin has a built-in tutorial to help with setup and usage

Development log


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I'm getting this error when pressing "Login to Butler":

platform/windows/os_windows.cpp:2873 - Condition "ret == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_CANT_FORK
Deleted 2 years ago

this is probably because you don't have butler added to path

I don't know if you're still providing support for this, but if you are, it'd be great! I'm trying to load in the plugin, and every time I do, I get told there's a code error in build-and-deploy.gd. Any fix?

Hi, I have uploaded the project to the Godot asset library here and I would recommend installing from there as I am no longer supporting it here on itch.


You should consider submitting this to the asset library!

Good idea! I haven't submitted anything yet so I'll have to learn the process, the docs seem to lay it out well